Saturday, April 21, 2012

our HERO is home!!

i know its a little late but our HERO is home!!! the big day happened a couple months ago and ive been so busy i havent had time to blog...sorry!!:( but here are a few pics of the day!!!!
we are FINALLY one big happy family again!!!!! and i couldnt be HAPPIER!!!!:)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

happy birthday!!

Happy Birthday to my Papaw in heaven!! i love and miss you soooo much!!! RIP!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

RIP Granddaddy

We love you!!! We will miss you sooooo much!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

happy momma!!!

my special little DOODLE said "up" yesterday and im sooooooo happy!! he is doing sooo much more and getting so big! im one proud momma!! he is saying a few more words now and starting to walk along the backcase with help!!:) its so exciting! im hoping by his 6th bday he will be full on running everywhere!!!:) he is such a special little guy and i couldnt imagine my life without him! momma LOVES you Doodle!!!! keep up the good work!!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

cant stop the tears:(

well R&R is over and it went waaaaayyyyy to fast and all i really wanna do is break his face so that he doesnt have to leave again even though i know that would not really work. i cant seem to get the tears to stop and im in a HORRIBLE mood and just wanna stay in bed all day and not deal with anything or anyone but instead i have company staying at my house that i have to entertain. but oh well i have to suck it the fuck up and deal with it cuz i love my marine more than anything in this world and support him in everything he does. i love you baby! be safe and hurry home! xoxoxo!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


ive been struggling BAD lately!! i HATE feeling this way and im soooooooo f-ing ready to be happy again! im 100% over this damn thing.....its not fun anymore. im ready to be a family again!!! i miss you smh!! stay safe! xoxo!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

10 years ago today.....

I married the love of my life!!! i miss you babe!! i love you more now then the day we got married!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! <3