Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Marine Corps Wife

I saw this on a plaque at the exchange and really liked so i thought i would share!!!

The Marine Corps Wife

The good Lord was creating a model for Marine Corps wives and was into his sixth day of overtime when an angel appeared. She said: "Lord you seem to be having a lot of trouble with this one. Whats wrong with the standard model?" the Lord replied: "Have you seen the specs on this order? She has to be completely independent, possess qualities of both father and mother, be a perfect hostess to 4 or 40 with an hours notice, run on black coffee, handle every emergency imaginable without a manual, be able to carry on cheerfully, even if she is pregnant and has the flu and she must be willing to move 10 times in 17 years. And oh yes she must have six pairs of hands." The angels shook her head, "Six pairs of hands? No way." The Lord continued, "Don't worry we will make other Marine Corps wives to help her. And we will give her an unusually strong heart so it can swell with pride in her Marines achievements, sustain the pain of separations, beat soundly when it is overworked and tired and be large enough to say 'I understand' when she doesn't, and say 'I love you' regardless." "Lord" said the angel "Go to bed and get some rest. You can finish tomorrow." "I cant sleep now," the Lord replied "I am so close to creating something unique. Already this model heals herself when she is sick, can put up 6 unexpected guests for the weekend, wave goodbye to her husband from a pier, a runway, or a depot, and understand why he leaves." The angel circled the model of the Marine Corps wife looked at it closely and sighed, "It looks fine, but its too soft." "She might look soft but she has the strength of a lion. You wouldn't believe what she can endure." The Lord replied. Finally the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the Lord's creation "There's a leak," she said "Something is wrong with the construction. I am not surprised that it has cracked. You are trying to put too much into this model. The Lord appeared offended at the angel's lack of confidence "what you see is not a leak," he said "its a tear." "A tear? Whats it there for?" asked the angel. The Lord replied. "Its for joy, sadness, pain, disappointment, loneliness, pride and dedication to all the values that she and her husband hold dear." " You are a genius!!" exclaimed the angel. The Lord looked puzzled and replied, "I didn't put it there."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

practice practice practice

well soccer and football have started and my crazy schedule is back!! sister and brother and playing soccer and bubba is playing football!!! they each have practice twice a week so that means mom has "practice" 5 days a week and twice on tuesdays!! we dont have the game schedules yet but im hoping they are only on saturdays! the hubs should be able to help a little more with these practices then he could with baseball and im very grateful for that! when the games start i will be able to post some pics so stay!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

its official...ugh

after being on the list and off the list and on the list and off the list the hubs is back on the list for good. what list u ask?? the dreaded "D" word list...yep thats right here we go again....deployment number four:( i thought i was ready for this but when the hubs told me i wanted to cry and beg him to stay. i know its not up to him and i know this is what he signed up for but its still not any fun. i also know that its still a few months away and i need to not worry about it until it gets closer. i need to enjoy the time we have together right now and just put this stupid deployment in the back of my head but its hard!!! but enough about that i cant sit and stress about something i cant change!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

things that make me happy!

i loved this so much i had to put in my own answers and steal from a friend of mine...thnx T!!! some of the things that make me happy!!!!

The sound of my kids laughing

cuddling on the couch with the hubs

The smell of freshly cut grass


The color ORANGE

the sight of the hubs getting off the bus after a deployment;)

The smell of the hubs cologne

getting a cute mani/pedi

visiting family




Sunday, August 8, 2010




Wednesday, August 4, 2010

momma needs a vacay!!!!

sorry ive been MIA for so long but nothin new has happened since my last post

my in laws are coming into town next week to bring sister home and ive been trying to clean the house but my boys and hubby are driving me CRAZY!!!!! i feel like im not doing anything right or fast enough or good enough or whatever! i love nothing more than being a mom and a wife but sometimes i wish i could just throw in the towel and quit!!! it is the most stressful job a person could ever have! i LOVE my kids more than i could explain! i also LOVE my hubby with all my heart! i just feel completely overwhelmed and under appreciated right now!!

i would love to be able to go on vacation with no kiddos, no hubby, no cell phone, no nothing........even if its just for one day................MOMMA needs a VACAY!!!!:-}